Press Release from Ron Paul Presidential Campaign Committee

For Immediate Release: July 20, 2011

Contact: Kate Schackai

GOP Veteran Mark Aldrich Endorses Ron Paul

CONCORD, N.H. – Today, long-time New Hampshire Republican activist Mark Aldrich endorsed Ron Paul for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination.

“Congressman Paul was right on the housing crisis, right on the banking crisis, and he is right on fiscal policy, deficit spending and national defense,” said Aldrich. “I believe his philosophy is vital for the Republican Party and for America.”

Aldrich’s political roots in the New Hampshire GOP run deep. Before becoming the Economic Development Director for the City of Claremont, he served for twenty years as New Hampshire Chief of Staff to U.S. Senators Gordon Humphrey and Bob Smith. During that time, he managed the Senators’ state offices serving as intergovernmental liaison on federal-state matters and as an advisor on small business and economic development policy.

“We repeat the same mistakes over and over again, going deeper and deeper in debt. United States Senator Gordon Humphrey, like Ron Paul, warned America about our unsustainable debt back in the 1980s. This problem is so much worse 20 years later,” he continued.

“If we continue on our current course, our retirement savings will vanish as inflation rises and buying power is reduced drastically, perhaps by 20 to 30 percent. And that's the cruelest tax. Lots of people will be financially devastated, especially those that have worked hard all their lives and did the right thing by saving for retirement. It's stealthy, insidious, and people don't realize what chronic deficit spending will do to their hard earned retirement savings. We need sound fiscal policy to save this country. We need Ron Paul.”

For more information on Congressman Ron Paul’s Presidential Campaign visit
