PRESS RELEASE from Ron Paul Presidential Campaign Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                  
July 28, 2011
Contact: Drew Ivers

Ron Paul Iowa Team Announces ‘Catholics for Ron Paul’ Coalition
Pro-life record, strong and consistent stance are key

ANKENY, Iowa– The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 presidential campaign today announced the national “Catholics for Ron Paul” coalition to energize Catholic voters in Iowa and beyond. 
In announcing the coalition, the Iowa team touted the fact that founding members of the coalition include Iowa political, community and opinion leaders.
“To a devout Catholic, or any person of faith, the fact that Ron Paul’s political positions are unwavering is appealing and admirable,” said Matt DeVries, who serves on the “Catholics for Ron Paul” national advisory board. 
“Dr. Paul’s record on the sanctity of life cannot be questioned.  I appreciate that he offers pro-life advocates new ways of thinking on this important issue, such as through affirming states’ rights,” continued Mr. DeVries.  Mr. DeVries serves as Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus Council 10282 out of All Saints Catholic Church in Des Moines.  He is also a Ron Paul campaign co-chairman for Iowa’s 3rd congressional district. 
Story County GOP Chairman Cory Adams, who endorsed Ron Paul for the Republican nomination earlier in the week, also serves on the “Catholics for Ron Paul” national advisory board.
“I support Ron Paul because of his strong pro-life stance.  He believes that life begins at conception and has pledged to veto any budget that funds Planned Parenthood or any other abortion services.  His views on life and abortion both line up completely with the teachings and positions of the Catholic Church,” said Mr. Adams.
“Ron Paul has committed to vetoing any spending bill that funds Planned Parenthood, facilities that perform abortion or family planning schemes.  This is exactly what Catholics expect from our next president.  America needs Ron Paul in the White House,” said A.J. Spiker, a “Catholics for Ron Paul” national advisory board member, a Republican Party of Iowa Central Committee member, and Vice Chairman of the Ron Paul presidential campaign in Iowa.
Cory Adams and A.J. Spiker both are parishioners of St. Cecilia Church in Ames.
As a first basic step, those wanting to join the “Catholics for Ron Paul”coalition should visit
Drew Ivers, Iowa Campaign Chairman