PRESS RELEASE from Ron Paul Presidential Campaign Committee

For Immediate Release: August 5, 2011               

Ron Paul Iowa Team Announces National ‘Students for Ron Paul’ Coalition
Dr. Paul’s domestic, foreign policies appeal to youth

ANKENY, Iowa– The Iowa component of the Ron Paul 2012 presidential campaign announced today the national “Students for Ron Paul” coalition to energize voting-age youth in support of Dr. Paul.

“Having been involved in politics for many years now, I have yet to see a politician produce a crowd of young college students like Ron Paul can.  Dr. Paul does the unlikely by energizing a voter segment that is known for their apathy,” said “Students for Ron Paul” national advisory board member Ani DeGroot. 

“The younger generation is beginning to realize the weight being thrust upon them, and with Dr. Paul as a spokesperson youth are rising up to face new challenges,” said Ms. DeGroot, who works as a regional director for the Ron Paul campaign in Iowa. 

Ms. DeGroot is a former Iowa State Chair for Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) and former Campus Coordinator for Students for Liberty at the University of Iowa.

“Ron Paul's defense of liberty shows his commitment to the future.  As a student and veteran, I take particular interest in Dr. Paul because he sees the folly of wasting American blood and treasure on intervening in foreign affairs, a policy that makes America less safe,” said “Students for Ron Paul” national advisory board member Drew Hjelm, referring to his U.S. Army service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Dr. Paul’s unheeded calls for fiscal sanity and sound money in Washington have led to economic upheaval for many Americans and the rest of the world.  His consistent message of freedom resonates with those who will inherit the future,” continued Mr. Hjelm.

“The next election will determine not only the President for the next four years but the overall condition of America's future.  Therefore, the only choice in the 2012 election I can make as a young student and informed voter is to support Congressman Ron Paul of Texas,” said Ben Levine.
“Dr. Paul is the only candidate that I trust will put principle above politics, conviction above compromise, and my civil liberties above grabbing for more personal power.  I feel the utmost confidence with my decision to support him,” said Mr. Levine, a “Students for Ron Paul” national advisory board member and the YAL Chapter President at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa.

As a first basic step, those wanting to join the “Students for Ron Paul” coalition should visit
Drew Ivers, Iowa Campaign Chairman