In the Spotlight: Americans for Prosperity  >
Defending the American Dream Summit,  August 26-28, 2010
August 27, 2010--Speakers at the opening session of Americans for Prosperity's fourth Defending the American Dream Summit at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel included Dick Morris.  Morris labelled Obama "the leader of the big spenders in Washington" and said he will "come next year with tax increases that will curl your hair."  Morris and his wife Eileen McGann are co-authors of the book 2010: Take Back America: A Battle Plan (Harper, April 2010).
North Carolina state director Dallas Woodhouse, seen on the big screen, stated that "fire ants are very much like liberals."  "They bury themselves in the sand, they don't produce anything, they provide nothing worthwhile, and simply come and and sting those of us who do," Woodhouse said.  He urged the crowd to "put out the liberal fire ants."  Without mentioning political parties, Woodhouse had a forceful response to the common Democratic refrain that electing Republicans would take the country back:
"They're going to say well we can't go back.  Ladies and gentlemen, I am ready to go back!  I am ready to go back to the time when the health care decisions were made by me and my doctor, not by a bureaucrat in Washington.  I am ready to go back to a time when elected officials worked for me, not worked me over.  I am ready to go back to the time when I did not have members of Congress trying on purpose to raise my gasoline and raise my electricity prices.  Please take me back, please help me go back!  Put me on the express train!  Buy me a direct flight!  I don't even have to pass go because I know Obama already took the $200.  Please help me go back...back to a more prosperous future!" 
Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-VA), seen on the big screen, described AFP as "America's premier grassroots limited government low tax organization."  Speaking on health care reform, McDonnell said,

"In Richmond, we believe that the Constitution still means something, and we were the first state in the nation to file suit agains the federal government over their policy.  It's not at the end of the day about health care, it's about what our Founders believed about the United States Constitution, because if the federal government can tell you that you must buy a product or a service and if you don't you will be fined or otherwise punished, then there is no limit to federal power.  This is an amazingly important constitutional question..."
Radio host Herman Cain declared, "The American Dream is under attack by the liberals in Washington, DC."  "We've got to take back our government because the liberals have clearly hijacked our government in Washington, DC.  Cain urged members of the audience to stay united, stay informed and stay inspired.  He delivered a moving account of his recovery from Stage 4 cancer.  

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