Tea Party Express Town Hall   ...2 of 2 >
Tea party leaders and activists...
Amy Kremer, chair of the Tea Party Express, was one of the original founders of the Atlanta Tea Party in Feb. 2009; she joined the Tea Party Express (Our Country Deserves Better PAC) team in 2010.
(L to R) Sen. Orrin Hatch (just visible); Sal Russo, chief strategist of the Tea Party Express  (partially obscured); Levi Russell, communications director of the Tea Party Express; and Anthony Loiacono, CEO and founder of Tea Party HD.
JoAnn Abbott, a grandmother from Dale City, VA, is one of the original organizers of the Washington, DC Tea Party.
Jamie Radtke (the woman in the maroon shirt) is president of the Richmond Tea Party and a candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia.  She will face an uphill battle against former Senator and Governor George Allen.
Ana Puig of the Philadelphia area is co-chair of the Kitchen Table Patriots.
Tom Whitmore, a retired business executive from Manassas, is a key DC-area Tea Party activist.  He argues that Tea Parties are the conscience of America.
J.R. "States" Manship took in the town hall and then handed out some of his flyers.
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