PRESS RELEASE from Dr. Robert Jeffress

CONTACT: Carolyn Baker or Jacob Day

Jeffress to Draw Sharp Contrast Between Perry and Romney

DALLAS, TX -- Dr. Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Dallas will introduce Texas Governor and 2012 Presidential GOP Candidate Rick Perry today at the 2011 Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. The summit is held annually by Tony Perkins and Family Research Council. Jeffress' introduction will serve as his official endorsement of his fellow Texan, and is a first for the Pastor who has never publicly stood behind any political candidate.

For Jeffress, "replacing Barack Obama is more than a political issue, it is a spiritual issue."

"Several months ago when Governor Perry was considering a run for the presidency, I had the opportunity to tell him that those of us who are evangelical Christians are looking for a candidate with three attributes: genuine commitment to Christian values, proven competency to govern, and electability. In Rick Perry we have a candidate with all three-attributes."

"Some would argue that there are a number of other candidates who possess those attributes as well. However, once the smoke clears in several months. Conservative Christians will have a choice to make. Do we want a candidate who is skilled in rhetoric, or one who is skilled in leadership? Do we want someone who is a conservative out of convenience, or one who is a conservative out of conviction? Do we want a candidate who is a good, moral person, or one who is a born again follower of Jesus Christ? I believe that in Rick Perry we have a candidate who is a proven leader, a true conservative, and a committed follower of Christ."

Dr. Robert Jeffress is the host and vision behind the Pathway to Victory program that is broadcast to 1,200 television stations weekly and can be heard daily on 600 radio stations across the country. He is Senior Pastor of the 10,000 member First Baptist Church Dallas and is also the author of 17 nationally recognized books, including the 2002 Medallion Finalist, "The Solomon Secrets." Dr. Jeffress graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a D.Min, earned a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary and a B.S. degree from Baylor University.


PASTOR JEFFRESS: ... but the reason as a pastor that I'm excited about the candidacy of Rick Perry is not because of his fiscal policies, but it's because of his strong commitment to biblical values.  Rick Perry is strongly commited to the sanctity of life, to the sanctity of marriage, and his commitment goes beyond his words; his commitment extends to his actions.  He is the most pro-life governor in the United States of America right now, as demonstrated by his passing of the sonogram bill in Texas and his willingness to stand up and defund that slaughterhouse for the unborn known as Planned Parenthood.  Rick Perry took a stand.  And I know after watching him a long time that he is going to stand by the commitments he makes to you today. 

Now a few months ago, I had the opportunity to visit with the Governor when he was praying about running for the presidency.  And I told at that time that those of us who are conservative Christians, we are looking for a candidate with three attributes.  We want somebody who has a genuine commitment to biblical values, someone who has a proven competency to govern, and also somebody who is electable.

Now I know that many would say that a lot of the candidates we're having the opportunity to hear these next two days, a lot of them possess one, two, perhaps all three of those attributes, and that may be, but I believe in a few months, when the smoke has cleared, those of us who are evangelical Christians are going to have a choice to make, and the choice is going to be this.  Do we want a candidate who is skilled in rhetoric or one who is skilled in leadership?  Do we want a candidate who is a conservative out of convenience or one who is a conservative out of deep conviction.  Do we want a candidate who is a good moral person or do we want a candidate who is a born-again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Rick Perry is a proven leader, he is a true conservative, and he is a genuine follower of Jesus Christ.  Would you join me in welcoming the Governor of the great state of Texas, Rick Perry.
