Romney 2012 General Election Campaign Organization, Hawaii
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(page updated Feb. 4, 2013)
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Hawaii Republican Party     +
Chairman  David Chang

(elected Nov. 5, 2011) President and CEO of WealthBridge, Inc..  Previously worked with Ameriprise Financial Services.  Master's in theological studies from Covenant Theological Seminary, M.A. in political science from University of Hawaii, B.S. in economics and comupter scienc from the United States Military Academy at West Point.  Veteran of the Global War on Terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Executive Director  Nacia Blom

(March 2012)  Director of advancement/development at the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, 2009-11 and executive director of HawaiianValues.US, 2008-11.  Elementary/middle school teacher.  B.A. in education from Belmont Abbey College, 2000.