LETTER from Rick Santorum for President


I want to take a moment thank you for supporting Rick Santorum at the caucus tonight. Your efforts will go to make sure we elect Rick, the only true Conservative in the race, as our nominee for President of the United States.

At tonight's caucus you will have a chance to stand up and speak on behalf of the campaign. Below is a sample letter that I would encourage you to read at that time.

Jill Latham
Deputy Campaign Manager

Rick Santorum Candidate Letter

My name is ___________ and tonight I'm here to vote for Rick Santorum, a faithful husband, a homeschool dad to 7 children, and former U.S. Senator from the key swing-state of Pennsylvania.

As we gather tonight to organize our Party, we must not forget the nature of the problems we face and the conservative cause for which we are fighting. We cannot abandon the issues that have defined us – nor will we resign our movement to perpetual defeat, conceding to the pundits and the political class that we get in line behind their choice.

Too many have suggested we stop talking about life, family, and Biblical values. They argue that voters are only concerned jobs and cutting spending. Yet, they cannot explain how to limit government without a moral code that binds us and constrains the passion of men. They have no answer for John Adams who said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

These moral issues are the basis for our Constitution and our American way of life. To stop fighting for these issues is to compromise the very unalienable rights endowed by our Creator that inspired our founders. Folks, we do not need compromise – what we need is a warrior.

There is one candidate in this race whose character is beyond reproach, whose achievements for our movement are many, and who can be trusted to lead us into battle and win.

Rick Santorum ended partial birth abortions in America. He forced the only vote on a Federal Marriage Amendment. He ended a federal entitlement program. He was described as the Tea Party candidate before there was a Tea Party. He hasn't just fought – Rick Santorum has fought and won.

At the beginning of tonight's meeting, we will tell the entire country who Minnesota thinks should be the next President of the United States. By the end of the hour, we will be putting together the planks of our Party platform. This platform will be pro-life and pro-family. It will proclaim support for American sovereignty, border security, school choice, and the 2nd Amendment. Minnesota Republicans are absolutely opposed to Obamacare and out-of-control spending, deficits, and debt. We are for job creation and made-in-the-USA manufacturing. The platform we produce all across Minnesota tonight will celebrate all of the pillars of American Exceptionalism.

I believe it is so important for us tonight to make sure that the vote we take at the beginning of the hour matches the vote we take at the end.

Tonight, Minnesota Republicans have a privilege to be the focus in the race to the nomination. We don't have to "settle; we have the duty to lead. Tonight, in rooms like this all across our great State, we have the special opportunity to catapult a true conservative warrior to the top of the national polls and send a message to the rest of the country and the political class that we will not stop fighting. We have found our warrior.

Join with us tonight and cast your vote for Rick Santorum