PRESS RELEASE from the Democratic National Committee

For Immediate Release
Date: March 6, 2012

Contact: DNC Press

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Statement on Tonight's Republican Primary and Caucus Results

Washington, D.C. – DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement on the GOP Presidential Primary and Caucus Results tonight:

“The muddled mess that is the Republican presidential nominating contest continued tonight as Republican voters who are unenthusiastic and unmotivated, failed to consolidate around a single candidate. It  was a particularly bad night for Mitt Romney who once again failed to close the deal with Republican Primary voters despite the millions he's spent and the more than half a decade he's been trying.  

"Mitt Romney's stuck in a dead heat with Rick Santorum in Ohio and might just squeak out a win there despite out-spending him there four to one and pummeling Santorum with millions in negative ads. If his weak performance in Ohio wasn't bad enough, Romney under performed in Virginia where his only competition was Ron Paul, came in third in North Dakota after winning there in 2008 and is losing among independents and young voters in key contests across the country.    

"Even after pandering to the Tea Party on everything from immigration to contraception, refusing to condemn the slanderous rhetoric of Rush Limbaugh, and after trying to buy the election with millions in negative ads from him and his allies, Mitt Romney is barely limping ahead of a weak and flawed field. Voters in his own party are learning what independent voters who have flocked away from him in droves already know: Mitt Romney has no core values, will say anything to get elected and can't be trusted to lead."        
