PRESS RELEASE from Republican National Committee
March 6, 2012

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Statement on Super Tuesday Results

WASHINGTON – As we await final results from Alaska, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement regarding the results of eight Super Tuesday contests:

“After three years of Barack Obama’s failed policies and broken promises, Americans are ready for a new direction. At the primaries and caucuses held today, they made their voices heard,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

“Under President Obama, America is suffering from reckless spending, record debt, high unemployment, and rising gas prices. Today voters sent a clear message: We cannot afford four more years of this administration that promises to bring us higher taxes, even higher debt and a weaker defense.

“As a country we are ready for Republican leadership that will bring us an America that will reap the benefits of fiscal responsibility, renewed economic opportunity, and a comprehensive energy policy.

“I want to congratulate Mitt Romney on winning Idaho, Ohio, Massachusetts, Vermont and Virginia. Rick Santorum’s wins in Oklahoma and Tennessee and Newt Gingrich’s win in Georgia.

“Republicans stand ready to lead, and with each primary contest, we add to our momentum, propelling us toward victory in November.”

