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Jon Huntsman for President

"Different" +
  3:16 web video from June 21, 2011.

[Music] [Motorcycle Sound]

Male Announcer: The world needs new.  America needs fresh.  New perspective, as seen from afar.  Say 10,000 miles away.  The past didn't work; we don't need that.  We need vitality.  The comfort of experience.  Someone who knows China, knows Asia, but knows that America can only be strongest abroad when we are strong here at home. 

Knows business.  Built things.  Built jobs, didn't just buy them.  Helped his family build a global operation.  Was there the first day, there the hard days, there to learn from the good days, and chose to give back. 

Married forever.  Had five great kids, adopted two more. 

Elected Utah's governor.  The ultimate conservative.  Forever pro-life.  Brought what he'd seen in business, made it work for the state.  Cut government, cut taxes, cut waste.  Bold meaningful cuts, not ones that just looked good.  Some said the state had the best financial management of any.  Took on the tough.  Health care.  Did it right; no mandates, free-market based, not government run.  Ah, if others had only chosen that path.

What does it take to do things right, to never flip, never flop?  Someone blessed with the right experiences; not in it for the winning but for the good he hopes to do.  No mainstream politician here.  Dropped out of high school to travel with his band "Wizard."  Prefers a greasy spoon to a linen tablecloth.  Speaks Mandarin Chinese and Hokain, whatever that is.  Never raises his voice, but seldom takes no for an answer.  Not in it for the balloons, just in it to use his God-given gifts, his temperament to help remind America how fortunate we truly are.

America from 10,000 miles.  His different perspective.  Strength here for strength overseas.  This is the guy who can win.  Decent, calm, wise, firm and disciplined.  A new vision for the country we love.  And a taste for dirt.  No drama.  Progress.  This guy is different.

Notes: Continuing with the motorcycle theme and beautiful scenery, this video makes the broad case for Huntsman "the guy who can win."  The narration opens on a gramatically suspect note, using a couple of sentences that are missing their direct objects.  There are several digs at Obama and/or Romney ("Built jobs, didn't just buy them"... "Health care.  Did it right; no mandates, free-market based, not government run.  Ah, if others had only chosen that path."..."What does it take to do things right, to never flip, never flop?"