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Gary Johnson 2012

"Gov. Gary Johnson Responds To Every Question In CNN Debate He Was Excluded From" +
  39:58 web video from June 15, 2011.

Johnson: I'm Gary Johnson.  I'm running for President of the United States.  I was excluded from the debates tonight from New Hampshire so I'm coming to you via tape, and that would be answering all the questions that the candidates answered tonight, and I'll try to do that very succinctly, and here we go...


Question: What have you learned in the last two hours?

Johnson: I've learned that being excluded from these debates has been excruciatingly demoralizing, and I never thought that I would be excluded from these debates.  I'm a believer in the system, and to me the system is a cracked door.  What you make out of that cracked door is up to your own gumption and your own energy, but here it is the door was shut for me and not only was it shut but it was locked.  And so what I've learned is that this is very, very frustrating, and I never thought that I would be subject to answering these questions off set as opposed to being there at the debate table.

Notes: The video intercuts Johnson talking and tape of the questions being asked.  Compare with the format used by another excluded candidate, Buddy Roemer, who posted 30 videos; in each he presented the question and responded.  The advantage of that approach is it allows the viewer to go directly to a question of interest; the disadvantage is the large number of videos.