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Pawlenty for President

"Tim Pawlenty-Celebrating America (HD)" +
 1:30 web video from July 4, 2011.

[Music] Pawlenty: The United States has always chosen its own path, culturally, politically and economically.  For 235 years we've taken the road less traveled, the road of liberty, the road of self government and free enterprise and its made all the difference.  America is trouble.  There's no question about that, but the frustration and apprehension of the moment doesn't define us.  Where we are is not who we are.  We are the United States of America.  [applause]  We settled the West and we went to the moon, we liberated billions of good people from communism, fascism and jihadism, we've lit the lamp of freedom for the entire world to see.  The strength of our country is our people not our government.  Americans believe our country is exceptional.  They deserve a president who does too.  We can fix our economy.  Our people are ready to get back to work.  We just need to give them the tools to get there [applause] and get the government out of the way.  May God bless you and may God continue to bless the United States of America.  I'll be happy to take your questions.

Notes: A clip or clips from a Pawlenty speech with lots of added imagery—Reagan, the Statue of Liberty, man on the moon, Berlin Wall being knocked down, the flag, and people nodding and applauding—bolstered swelling music.  Interesting that the producer(s) left the "I'll be happy to take your questions" on at the end.