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Pawlenty for President

"Sarah Huckabee" +
 1:26 web video from July 14, 2011.

[Music] Sarah Huckabee: I'm Sarah Huckabee.  I'm here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on the road today with Governor Pawlenty and I joined his team just a few days ago, and I'm excited and thrilled to be back in Iowa.  Holds a special place in my heart, but also I think it holds a special place in the country.  It's one of the few places that has the opportunity to vet out the presidential candidates on a one one one level that's different than any place else and anyone else has an opportunity to do.  Iowans are a sophisticated voting block, and I think it's a great starting place for any presidential campaign—one of the reasons that Governor Pawlenty's going to do so well.  Governor Pawlenty's been on the road the last few days and is going to be here in Iowa quite a bit over the next month, and I think that the more that people here and across the country hear his message, the more you're going to see people coalescing around the Governor.  And I'm excited to be part of his team and looking forward to the next several months on the campaign trail and getting Governor Tim Pawlenty elected.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Governor Pawlenty has the same conservative convictions and executive experience  I admire in my dad. —Sarah

Notes: The Huckabee vote could be an important factor in the Iowa Straw Poll and caucuses.