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Rick Santorum for President, Inc.

"Time to Fight Back" +
1:46 web video from July 1, 2011.

[Sound/Music] Male Announcer: America is facing one of its greatest economic threats since the Great Depression.  But it's not coming from OPEC or China, or Russia; it's coming from Barack Obama.  The Obama economic policies are paralyzing our economy.  Obama spent $831 billion on his stimulus and we ended up with fewer jobs.  Obama's no drill energy policy is driving up gas prices and energy costs, hurting consumer spending and confidence.  His reckless big government expansion has led to a job-killing record debt.  And when you add Obama's radical government-run, premium-raising ObamaCare to the equation, it's a recipe to send more jobs out of America.

Well it's time for America to fight back.  It's time we have someone with the courage to fight for the American worker.  Someone like Rick Santorum.  And on July 7 you can watch as Rick Santorum delivers from Iowa his plan on how we can re-unite America's legendary innovative spirit, beat China and India at manufacturing, and return America to the economic power and job creating engine that has always been the envy of the world.

Rick Santorum.  Finally, someone with the courage to fight for American jobs.  Join him on July 7th at RickSantorum.com

Notes: Very slick and pulls no punches.