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Newt 2012

"Jim Garlow Endorses Newt Gingrich" +
  2:01 web video from Jan. 20, 2012.

[Music] Jim Garlow: My name is Jim Garlow and I support Newt Gingrich.  The reason I do are for a number of reasons.  Let me address the delicate area first, and that is the accusations regarding his past.  Every one of us are in need of the forgiveness of God, including Newt.  I spent a lot of time with him on these issues, and as I walk through these issue with him I've found him to be remarkably transparent, very tender, and also I might add very teachable.  Forgiveness is an instant, but restoration is a process.  He's experienced the instant of forgiveness and he's walking through the process of restoration in a wonderful way towards God's redemption, something we all need by the way.

Positively I support him because he has incredible intellectual bandwith.  He is articulate.  He has a grasp of history.  He understands the nature of American exceptionalism, that is that our rights come from our Creator, something unique among the 200 constitutions of the nations of the Earth.

In addition to that he's a man who grasps how Washington works.  I don't want an outsider.  I want an insider who can't be out-parliamentized, if there is such a word, by the radical secular left.  I want someone who's comfortable with Washington and knows how to make it happen.

He also understands the tremendous aspect of the moral differences.  It isn't just right versus left; it's right versus wrong.  Tearing up a baby in the womb is wrong.  Spending more money than you take in is morally wrong.  Destroying the definition of marriage is wrong.

And last of all he understands the nature of war, and we're in a cultural war.  I see it this way.  If you're in Britain, as during World War II, and the German warplanes are coming across the English Channel coming toward you, find Winston Churchill and put him in power.

Newt Gingrich has a Churchillian fortitude and I support Newt Gingrich.

Notes: This video, posted by Newt 2012, doesn't have the campaign logo and disclaimer added on, and has a very different look than other Gingrich videos.  The production values are much higher, and rather than man on the street or man on the edges of an event, impromptu remarks, Garlow makes a well-thought out and effective pitch.  A series of videos like this would have been a good idea.