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Newt 2012

"Students ith Newt" +
  2:00 web video from Jan. 30, 2012.

Student 1 Man in Blue Shirt
: The greatest thing Newt has done for this country, just if you look at his record as Speaker, he's you know balanced the budget for four years in his term, he's you know worked towards solving our debt crisis, he did welfare reform.  He's solved these issues that are key today and he's talking about the ideas of how to solve these problems now.  And the biggest thing he's done is shaped the debate and actually do the work that needs to get done.

Student 2 Woman in Red Shirt: I think he has a really like strong proven track record as the Speaker of the House and I think that he has proven his leadership abilities and that's something that we really need in Washington right now.

Student 3 Man in Dark Shirt: And you know you have someone like Newt Gingrich who had the Contract with America and who had one of the most productive legislative cycles in recent memory.

Student 2: I for one, and I think a lot of my fellow students would agree that we want to graduate out into sort of an economic landscape where what we save is there for us when we retire.

Student 4 Man in Striped Shirt and Jacket: I think he just understands it; he understands the issues.

Student 1: He's the one who is thinking about our future when we're too busy focusing on the short-term problems.

Student 2: I'm from his home district.  He was my congressman for quite some time.  So I've always known about Newt and I've always you know trusted his leadership abilities and woke up every morning to the news talking about what he was doing in Washington because he was my congressman, and I like what we see from him and I want to see more of that, I want to see it in the White House.

Student 1: Listening to him at the debates and listening to his ideas and realizing these are real solutions to real problems that we have to face, and nobody else is addressing them so I'm going with the guy with the ideas.

Student 4: I cannot wait to see Newt Gingrich beat Obama in a debate.

Student 2: Newt would absolutely smash Obama in a debate.

Student 3: I think Newt Gingrich would absolutely destroy Barack Obama in a debate, hands down.

Student 4: To those people who say that Newt Gingrich is not electable, you're lying.

Student 1: You'll see he's a guy with the experience, with the substance, with the results and he's the guy with the future for America that we're looking for.

Student 3: I'm a student with Newt Gingrich.

Student 4: I'm a student with Newt Gingrich.

Student 1: I'm a student with Newt Gingrich.

Student 2: I'm a student with Newt.

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