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Romney for President

"Restore America's Greatness" +
  1:36 web video from Jan. 2, 2012.

[Water Sound, Music] TEXT: Muscatine, Iowa

Ann Romney: “We appreciate all of you coming out this morning so early and being here and caring. I think we all care right now. I think we are all concerned about our country.”

Ann Romney: “I believe in him. I believe he has the experience. I’ve seen him in every situation. I’ve seen him as a husband, as a father, as a governor, and as a successful businessman. Everything he does, he does well and he does it with his heart and his commitment.”

Ann Romney: “If there’s ever a time where this country needs someone like Mitt Romney, it’s now.”

Mitt Romney: “This election is about more than just replacing a president, it’s about saving a vision of America.”

Mitt Romney: “We still believe in an America that brings out the best in all of us, that challenges each of us to be better and bigger than ourselves.”

Mitt Romney: “It’s time for this pessimistic president to step aside and let American optimism that built this greatest nation on earth build a greater future for our children.”

Mitt Romney: “If you can get out here in this cold and this wind and a little bit of rain coming down, then you can sure get out on Tuesday night and you can sure find a few people to bring with you. And on the way to the caucus, you can tell them just who you are going to vote for.”

Mitt Romney: “I believe in restoring the principles that made America great and I will do that with your help on Tuesday night.”

TEXT: Tomorrow Make History.

TEXT: Iowa, January 3, 2012

TEXT: Believe In America


Notes: "With the help of Iowa voters tomorrow night, Mitt Romney can help restore the principles that made this country great."