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Romney for President

"Shares Our Values" +
  1:32 web video from Jan. 13, 2012.

[Music] Mary Ann Glendon: I'm Mary Ann Glendon, a founding member of Women Affirming Life, and I have been active in the pro-life movement in Massachusetts and nationally for three decades.

The pro-life movement is all about changing hearts and minds and it struck me as very unfortunate that Mitt Romney has been criticized by some people for coming to a pro-life position on the basis of information. That’s what the pro-life movement is all about. Governor Romney showed great political courage and expended much of his political capital in supporting pro-life measures when he was here in Massachusetts. It was a very difficult political environment. 85 percent of the state legislature is Democrat controlled.

Governor Romney in that environment vetoed legislation that would have permitted destructive embryonic research; he vetoed legislation that would have permitted the over the counter sale of the morning after pill; he supported abstinence education in the schools.

TEXT: Mitt Romney Pro-Life Accomplishments
Vetoed – Embryonic-Destructive Research
Vetoed – Morning After Pill Over The Counter
Supported Abstinence Education

Governor Romney was a great friend to the pro-life movement in Massachusetts. In a very difficult political environment, when many doors of the State House were closed to us, we always were welcomed by Governor Romney and his staff. He was a great pro-life governor and he will be a great pro-life president.

Notes: From the press release, "Mitt Romney is supported by pro-life conservatives like Former Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon because he shares their values, displayed pro-life leadership in a politically difficult environment, and worked with members of the pro-life community on important issues."