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Romney for President

"Welcome to Florida" +
  1:16 web video from Jan. 18, 2012.


BERNY JACQUES: “Dear President Obama”

IDA RILEY: “Dear President Obama”

CHELSIE LISKO: “Dear President Obama”

DIXIE EKLUND: “Dear President Obama”

DAVID LISKO: “Welcome to Florida”

DANA MCARTHUR: “Welcome to Florida”

JUDY GOWEN: “Welcome to Florida”

ELI J. BIOSO: “I hope you get a chance to see what is really happening here.”

SUNNY WARREN: “Really see what’s happening here.”

    TEXT: Double-Digit Unemployment For 31 Straight Months.

BERNY JACQUES: “Things aren’t working.”

CHRIS HART: “Things are not working.”

JUDY GOWEN: “Things aren’t working and we’re scraping by.”

ELI J. BIOSO: “Almost a million people…”

SUNNY WARREN: “A million people are unemployed and looking for work here.”

    TEXT: More Than 150,000 Florida Jobs Lost

DANA MCARTHUR: “Foreclosures are rampant.”

BERNY JACQUES: “And families are without homes.”

    TEXT: Almost 50% Of Florida Mortgage Holders Owe More Than Their Home Is Worth.

JUDY GOWEN: “It’s been more than three years since you promised to get America back to work.”

DIXIE EKLUND: “Three years of soaring rhetoric.”

CHELSIE LISKO: “And empty promises.”

DAVID LISKO: “Empty promises.”

SUNNY WARREN: “You promised a stimulus that would create jobs.”

CHRIS HART: “It didn’t.”

DANA MCARTHUR: “You told us the focus was the economy.”

BERNY JACQUES: “But instead we got Obamacare.”

CHELSIE LISKO: “You promised solutions.”

CHRIS HART: “What we got.”

ANNE VOSS: “What we got were bailouts.”

DANA MCARTHUR: “Empty promises.”

DAVID LISKO: “And Washington as usual.”

CHRIS HART: “We believe in America.”

SUNNY WARREN: “And want a president who believes in America.”

DAVID LISKO: “We need solutions, not four more years of this.”

BERNY JACQUES: “Not four more years of this.”

SUNNY WARREN: “Welcome to Florida.”

CHELSIE LISKO: “Welcome to Florida.”

BERNY JACQUES: “Welcome to Florida.”

CHRIS HART: “Welcome to Florida, Mr. President.”

Notes: From the press release, "Three years ago, President Obama promised to get Florida and the rest of the country back to work. Instead of fixing our economy, President Obama has made the recovery more difficult."