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Romney for President

"Restoring America's Greatness" +
  1:35 web video from Jan. 20, 2012.

[Music]  Gov. Haley: This is a man who took broken companies and fixed them.  This is a man who took a liberal state like Massachusetts and went in as governor, cut taxes 19 times, balanced the budget—he hasn't just taken a vote, he's made decisions.

Sen. McCain: This man has the experience, the talent and the vision to bring America back, and we believe America's best days are ahead of us.  [applause, cheers]

Sen. McCain: This man understands the need for a strong military, as Ronald Reagan used to say, peace through strength.  That's what Mitt Romney is committed to.

Romney: Do we have any soldiers in this room—active duty, veterans, others; please raise your hands. [cheers, applause]  Thank you.  Wow.

Romney: A campaign about jobs is critical, about the economy, that's critical, about the size of goverment, that's critical, about national security, of course that's, it's life and death.

Romney: This president on every front has made it harder for the American people to go to work.

Romney: Not even a plan to balance our budget.  If I'm president of the United States I will cut our spending, I will cap our federal government spending and I will get America on track for a balanced budget. 

Romney: We will restore our greatness and remain, as we are destined to be, the leader of this century, an American century.

Romney: I will do that with your help.  I need your help on Saturday.  Get out and vote.  Thank you so much.  Thanks you guys.

TEXT: On Saturday South Carolina Picks a President

Notes: Clips of Romney on the stump in South Carolina, with Gov. Haley and Sen. McCain helping out