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Romney for President

"Stand With Mitt" +
  1:21 web video from Jan. 30, 2012.


TEXT: Florida

Romney: I heard the president give a speech this week.  You probably heard it.  His State of the Union Address.  He told us that things are on the right track, things are going swimmingly. 

He's so detached from reality, he doesn't know what it's like here in Florida.  You're wonderful to be here, but I know a lot of people in this state are having a hard time.  I know that particularly middle income families are finding it tough to make ends meet.

Gov. Luis G. Fortuno, Puerto Rico: That's why we're standing up and saying no more.  That is why we need a leader in Washington who understands how to balance budgets.  He's done it. 

Who understands that in order to create jobs, we need to cut taxes.  He did it.

That is why I am honored to be here tonight, proud to stand next to the next president of the United States.  I leave you Gov. Mitt Romney.

Orlando Sentinel  Romney is GOP's best candidate, best bet

Pensacola News Journal.com  For the GOP nomination: Mitt Romney
Sun-Sentinel.com  Most conservative candidate who can win.
Tampa Bay Times  Best prepared to engage Obama

Romney: I'm looking forward to debating Barack Obama.  I'm not going to worry about crowd; I'm going to make sure that we tell the truth to Barack Obama and get him out of the White House.  [cheers]

My fellow Americans, devoted to the principles of America we're going to take back the White House, we're going to take back our country, we're going to keep America the hope of the Earth.

TEXT: On Tuesday Stand with Mitt
