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Obama for America

  "Ronnie" +
  :60 radio ad run from Sept. 28, 2012, run in CO, FL, IA, NV, NC, OH, PA, VA and WI.


Obama: I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

[Music] Ronnie: My name is Ronnie Mosley, an urban studies major at Morehouse College.  With Pell Grants, help on student loans and health care reform, President Obama has really given me a shot at the American Dream.  I'm benefiting from his belief that no family should have to set aside a college acceptance letter because of cost.

Obama (clip): [cheers] "Your success is America's success because when we invest in your future, we're investing in America's future." [cheers]

Ronnie: President Obama gets it.  He's been where I am and succeeded, and I'm thrilled to cast a vote for a man moving our country forward.  The future is in our hands.

Male Announcer: Get registered and vote.  Go to GottaRegister.com. 

Ronnie: President Obama, we've got your back.

Obama: Paid for by Obama for America.

Notes: This ad and "On Point," released the same day, clearly target the African American audience.  According to the press release...

“Ronnie” features Morehouse College student Ronnie Mosley as he discusses how President Obama’s policy initiatives gave him a shot at success.  From expanding health care coverage for over 3 million young people who can now stay on their parents’ insurance plans until they are 26, to putting quality, affordable education within reach for every American, the President is laying the foundation for an economy built to last that benefits all Americans and believes America prospers when we’re all in it together.