Reactions to President Obama's State of the Union, January 24, 2012
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Newt 2012

Newt Gingrich Response to State of the Union

Coral Gables, FL – Newt Gingrich released the following statement responding to President Obama’s State of the Union address:
We have a crisis of work in this country and tonight President Obama proposed nothing in the way of policy changes that will get us to robust job creation and dramatic economic growth.
Instead, the president described his conviction that his big government is built to last and should be paid for with higher taxes.
But bigger government and higher taxes will not lead to jobs and growth. Bigger government and higher taxes will instead lead to more people on food stamps, a situation which the President and his party defend as a fair outcome.
Here we have to confront the truth about President Obama.  Economic growth and prosperity is not really at the top of his agenda. He will always prefer a food stamp economy to a paycheck economy and call it fair.
For the president and a large part of the political class, it’s about their power, their right to rule.  They just want to take money from Joe the Plumber – the small business people who makes over 90 per cent of the new jobs -- and redistribute it to the government bureaucracy and their political friends and allies.  That’s why so much of that nearly trillion-dollar stimulus didn’t create jobs but just went into the pockets of special interests who support President Obama and the leadership of the Democratic Party.
No better example of this exists than in the crisis of American energy. President Obama and his political allies – not of few of whom love living in energy inefficient houses or driving gas-guzzling luxury vehicles – openly admit they want gas prices to remain high so that the rest of America will learn to live more modestly. They think it’s good for rest of us.  Only recently, the president canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline that would have created countless new jobs and helped America on the way to energy independence because he wanted to appease the far left of his party.  And yet not a single word on the Keystone XL pipeline tonight.
To create jobs and growth in this country, we must start with dramatic tax reform that lowers taxes and maximizes capital investment and job creation. We must return to a dollar as good as gold whose purchasing power is the same in thirty years as it is today.  We must dramatically expand American energy production. We must have smarter regulation at the same time we abolish destructive and costly regulatory systems beginning with Obamacare,Dodd-Franks, and Sarbanes-Oxley. And finally, unlike the current administration, we must have faith in job creators.  
With these policies the state of the union will be much better.  They will create an explosion in job creation and lead to robust economic growth and a return to prosperity.  Furthermore, a paycheck economy will put us on a path to balanced budgets and paying down our national debt.




R.C. Hammond
Press Secretary
Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee
Ron Paul Responds To Obama’s State Of The Union Speech
“Tonight, President Obama once again showed that he does not represent the fundamental change this country needs.”

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – See below for 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address.
“Tonight, President Obama once again showed that he does not represent the fundamental change this country needs. Instead of offering solutions to the problems our country faces, the President was intent on delivering a campaign speech, further dealing in the typical Washington political gamesmanship that has gotten us exactly nowhere close to improving the lives of the American people.
“In a speech where much of the rhetoric was devoted to job creation, it was strange that President Obama would brag about his job-destroying national health care plan, Obamacare, and the Dodd-Frank bill, which, contrary to the President's claims, guarantees future taxpayer bailouts of large institutions. Unfortunately, President Obama's ‘job creation’ policies amount to little more than continuing to allow government bureaucrats to pick winners and losers, which is a recipe for continued economic stagnation.
“President Obama claims to want an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. Yet he remains committed to the same old system of debt, deficits, bailouts, and cronyism that created our economic problems. The President speaks of giving us energy independence from unstable nations, yet he refuses to allow the type of development needed to achieve this goal, while at the same time his administration hands out favors to the politically connected – those given to the likes of Solyndra, who fail to produce jobs or energy but succeed in ripping off the taxpayers.
“Of course, President Obama refuses to even mention the role the Federal Reserve plays in creating an economic system where some are denied a fair shot or even to support my efforts at bringing transparency to the Federal Reserve. Also not mentioned by President Obama is the very crucial need for reining in spending and balancing the federal budget. What is called by some 'the greatest threat to our national security' seems not to be of great importance to this President, although I, like many Americans, believe it to be cause for immediate measures, like the $1 trillion in spending cuts that would take place in my first year as President under my Plan to Restore America.
“In the area of foreign policy and civil liberties, President Obama's rhetoric may be different, but the substance of his polices - as shown by his administration's defense of the TSA’s treatment of my son, Senator Rand Paul, is hardly ‘change we can believe in.’ No wonder more and more Americans, especially young people, are rejecting the phony alternatives of Obama and establishment Republicans and embracing my campaign to Restore America Now.”


Buddy Roemer for President
Obama is All Talk No Action

Baton Rouge, LAGovernor Charles E. “Buddy” Roemer released the following statement following President Obama’s State of the Union remarks:
Tonight’s State of the Union address is a time-honored tradition, and I show utmost respect for the Office of the President of the United States and appreciate the words he shared with the country tonight.  I do have the responsibility, though, as an American citizen, to ask some tough questions of the President.  I have to ask why, Mr. President, Congress has not been able to pass a budget in two years? Why have tax reform, immigration reform, fair trade reform with China, the banking reform  - all the policies you talked about tonight – why have none of those things been accomplished, when you’ve had three years in office to make progress on them?

Now you say that you want to introduce a new unit to investigate abusive mortgage lending practices that led to the housing crisis, and a ‘trade enforcement unit’ to tell us what we already know about China’s manipulation of currency and unfair trade practices.  There’s a big difference between President Obama and myself – I don’t believe that the solution to the government’s problems, and to the peoples’ problems, is MORE government.  The solution is better government, and smarter government – adequate legislation to regulate lending, like that which Glass-Steagall provided, and tough action against China’s practices rather than a bloated investigation.  Instead, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Obama administration started contracting with one of Newt’s many firms to serve as consultants for this new mortgage unit. 

I was surprised to hear the President use the words ‘money in politics.’  That’s my issue, and I’ve been talking about it since I declared my candidacy for the Republican nomination for president.  But unlike President Obama, I live the message, not taking a single penny from PACs or Super PACs, which distort and corrupt our politics.  Limiting stock ownership by elected officials, keeping bundlers from lobbying, banning insider trading by members of Congress – which is illegal for EVERYONE, by the way, not just members of Congress – those are great things, but as long as PACs and Super PACs are buying our elections, they won’t mean anything.  How can a president who is planning a billion dollar reelection campaign decry the influence of money in politics?

I have to say, I felt like the President and his speechwriters have been reading my website and brushing up on my speeches, because I’ve never had every idea I’ve been going around the country talking about stolen.  Go to my website, and read my speech in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington.  Read my speech from the National Press Club.  Read my speech from Iowa, where I talk about ending ethanol subsidies.  Energy, fair trade, deregulation, immigration reform – the President finally talked about all of them tonight, except for the most important one – corruption.  President Obama would have you believe that Washington is broken, but it is not.  It is corrupt.  And it will be corrupt as long as you are raising money from the same Wall Street one-percenters who got us into the very mortgage crisis you’re now concerned about.  After just two years in office, you have reverted to the job you do best – being a full-time campaigner.  The policies you proposed tonight, I agree with many of them.  But they will never happen until we take the money out of the equation.  The country is looking to you, Mr. President.  They are looking to you for leadership, and for reform.  Not for pretty speeches and gutless action.   End the corruption, lest we continue our drift into economic mediocrity.
Governor Buddy Roemer is a four-term Congressman and former Governor of Louisiana. He is known for refusing PAC and special interest money, implementing campaign finance reform, turning around Louisiana’s failing economy and cutting the state’s unemployment rate in half in just four years. Roemer is a candidate for President of the United States. His website is

Romney for President
Boston, MA – Mitt Romney today delivered prebuttal remarks to President Obama’s State of the Union Address in Tampa, Florida. The following remarks were prepared for delivery:
Thank you.  It’s good to be in the Sunshine State.  It breaks my heart to visit plants like this one.
In 2008, this plant closed because of the economic downturn.  In a normal recovery under strong leadership, it could now be full of workers.
Here in Florida, people used to wake up and look forward to a hard day’s work and a good, honest wage.  The money they earned helped support families and build communities.  Today too many factory floors are silent, warehouses are deserted, corporate offices are empty, and real estate endeavors are abandoned.  Floridians are struggling to find a job, keep a home, and raise a family.
As I’ve traveled across America, I’ve heard similar stories in virtually every corner of this country.  High unemployment and record home foreclosures.  Debt that’s too high and opportunities that are too few.  This is the real state of our union.  But you won’t hear stories like these in President Obama’s address tonight.  The unemployed don’t get invitations to sit with the First Lady.
Instead, tonight, the President will do what he does best.  He will give a nice speech with a lot of memorable phrases.  But he won’t give you the hard numbers.
Like 9.9 – that’s the unemployment rate in this state.
Or 25 percent – that’s the percentage of foreclosed homes in America that are right here in Florida.
Or $15 trillion – that’s the size of our national debt.
Instead, tonight, President Obama will make the opening argument in his campaign against a “Do Nothing Congress.”  But, we shouldn’t forget that for two years, this President had a Congress that could do everything he wanted.
With huge Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, President Obama was free to pursue any policy he pleased.
Did he fix the economy?
Did he tackle the housing crisis?
Did he get Americans back to work?
He spent $787 billion on a stimulus bill and put us on track to borrow and spend $5 trillion in just his first term.
He forced through Obamacare – a trillion-dollar entitlement we don’t want and can’t afford.
He took over auto companies and student loans.
He stacked the National Labor Relations Board with union yes-men who, in turn, did favors for his campaign contributors and favorite friends.
When we needed stability and solvency, he gave us Solyndra.
When we needed a climate for private investment, he gave us Cash for Clunkers.
When we needed more domestic energy to keep prices low and create jobs, he imposed bans on oil drilling and turned his EPA regulators loose to slow our development of natural gas.
He’s spearheaded one of the largest expansions of government in American history.  And he’s paying for it with money borrowed from China.
Three years ago, we measured Candidate Obama by his hopeful promises and slogans. 
Today, President Obama has amassed an actual record of debt, decline, and disappointment. 
This President’s agenda made these troubled times last longer.  He and his allies made it harder for the economy to recover. 
Instead of solving the housing crisis and getting Americans back to work, President Obama has been building a European-style welfare state.  He has pushed for a second stimulus and deep cuts to our national defense.  He’s asking the American people for another trillion dollars – and another term in office.
He keeps telling people, “We can’t wait.” To which I say, “Yes, we can.”
Tonight, the President will deliver his State of the Union.  But make no mistake: What he’s really offering are partisan planks for his re-election campaign. 
The President has been telling people that his agenda will create an economy that's “built to last.” 
Well, let’s talk about what has lasted. 
What has lasted is unemployment above 8% for 35 straight months.  What will last is almost as much debt in four years as all the prior presidents combined.  What will last are home values that are too low and foreclosure rates that are too high.  And a legacy of debt that will imperil future generations.
What is critical is that we make today Barack Obama’s last State of the Union.
The President’s agenda sounds less like “built to last” and more like doomed to fail.  What he’s proposing is more of the same: more taxes, more spending, and more regulation.  And all of his proposals involve “big” government and “big” price tags.
Tonight, we’ll also be treated to more divisive rhetoric from a desperate campaigner-in-chief.  It’s shameful for a President to use the State of the Union to divide our nation.  And someone ought to tell him:  In order for the economy to truly “work for everyone,” everyone needs to be working. 
But more than anything, I expect the President will take this opportunity to take another victory lap.  In big speeches, he tends to tell tall tales about an America that’s thriving on his watch. 
In 2010, he announced that “the worst of this economic storm has passed.”  I know the people of Tampa don’t believe that.  Today, 24 million Americans are struggling for work.  2.8 million Americans have lost their homes.  But President Obama believes he ranks among the four best presidents in history.
Here in Florida, you know better.  You know that this President has run out of ideas.  He’s run out of excuses.  And, with your help, 2012 will be the year he runs out of time.
If tonight were the first message to Congress in a Romney administration, I’d have the courage to tell the American people how it is and tell Congress what we really need to do.  I wouldn’t spend my time blaming others for how we got in this mess; I’d explain how we’re going to get out of it.  I’d use the State of the Union to lay out an agenda that will get our country back on track and get our fiscal house in order. 
My agenda would make government simpler, smaller, and smarter.
As President, I will repeal unnecessary regulations and restore our good credit rating.
I will reduce tax rates and simplify the tax code, especially for middle-income Americans.
I will streamline regulation, ensure the prompt review of projects, and order agencies to focus on economic growth.  The Keystone Pipeline is a real “shovel-ready” project that would put 20,000 Americans back to work.  Three years of review is long enough.  The President was wrong to reject it.  I will approve it.
I will open up new markets for American goods, and open up our lands so that we can finally develop our energy resources.  A revolution in drilling for natural gas has opened up new supplies that will create American jobs, provide affordable energy, and offer our manufacturers a competitive edge.  My administration will support the development of these resources, not find excuses to stand in the way.
If I were speaking to Congress tonight, I’d note that it’s now been one thousand days since the Senate last passed a budget.  That’s irresponsible.  It’s unacceptable.  And, as President, I will cut spending, cap spending, and finally balance the budget.
I would pledge to do all that a President can to get America working again.  When it comes to the economy, my highest priority would be worrying about your job, not saving my own.
As President, I will reverse the Obama-era defense cuts.  I believe a strong America must – and will – lead the future.  I will insist on a military so powerful that no one would ever think of challenging it.
That is the State of the Union I would deliver tonight.  My plans protect our freedom and preserve opportunity.  They reflect common-sense solutions and conservative values.  And, over the past seven months, that agenda has rallied millions of Americans to our cause.
Our campaign is about more than replacing a President; it is about saving the soul of America. This election is a choice between two very different destinies.
President Obama wants to “fundamentally transform” America. We want to restore America to the founding principles that made this country great.
This President puts his faith in government. We put our faith in the American people.
Ours is the party of free enterprise, free markets, and consumer choice.  The Republican Party stands for personal responsibility and equal opportunity.  We don’t demonize prosperity.  We celebrate success. 
That’s the difference between our party and this President.  He leads the party of big government.  He believes in ever-expanding entitlement. 
He’s wrong.  We’re right.  And this is a battle we cannot lose.
During my 25 years in business, I helped companies like Staples and the Sports Authority grow from start-ups to international enterprises.  I turned around companies, a state government, and an Olympics.  And I am passionate about our economic liberty because I have seen it reward the hard work of many – and create prosperity for all. 
I have the experience to get America back to work.  I have the judgment we need in the White House.  And I will offer a real choice in the coming campaign.
Tonight will mark another chapter in the misguided policies of the last three years – and the failed leadership of one man.  But Americans know that our future is brighter and better than these troubled times.
We still believe in the hope, the promise, and the dream of America. We still believe in that shining city on a hill.
A year from now a President will be giving another State of the Union address.  The choice before us is clear.
Do we want a president who will try to explain again why his policies haven’t worked?
Do we want a president who will keep promising that this time he will get it right?
Do we want a president who keep telling us why he’s right and why we’re wrong?
Or do we want the sense of excitement that comes with a new beginning?
We are Americans and Americans don’t have to settle for a president who argues that things could be worse.  We know that things can – and must – be better.
If you want to make this election about restoring American greatness, then I hope you will join us.
If you believe the disappointments of the last few years are a detour, not our destiny, then I am asking for your support.
If you share my belief that we need to scale back government so that we can expand prosperity, then I need your vote.
Thank you.  And God bless the United States of America.

Rick Santorum for President


Sarasota, FL - Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum will be providing a real-time response to President Obama's annual State of the Union address this evening via Twitter @RickSantorum and on Facebook at

9:18pm  -  Rick Santorum has a bold plan to bring manufacturing jobs back to our shores - proposing a 0% tax rate for manufacturing companies as an incentive to hire hard working Americans. Learn more at

9:20pm  - Under President Obama's watch our national debt has risen over 4 trillion dollars already. Rick Santorum has voted for a Balanced Budget Amendment and has a bold plan to reduce the deficit by 5 trillion dollars in 5 years.

9:23pm  - 
The White House TARP Bailout promise? - $787 billion stimulus would create 3.3 millions jobs by 2010 ... Results? - For 840 of his Obama's first 1000 days unemployment has been over 9%. Learn about Rick Santorum's conservative economic action steps to revive our nation's economy at

9:41pm  - 
The President's energy policy is beholden to environmentalists - he should have supported Keystone Pipeline.

9:50pm  - 
"There were several of us in the United States Senate in 2005 and 2006, who saw the problem with Freddie and Fannie ... I was on the Banking Committee and we voted to move forward to solve this problem ... We need to allow capitalism to work. Let these companies realize these losses." ~ Rick Santorum during last night's GOP debate.

9:55pm  - 
"I opposed the single biggest government intrusion into the private sector, the Wall Street bailout, the TARP program. I opposed it because it violated the principles and the spirit of our Constitution." ~ Rick Santorum - Click like and share if you agree!

10:07pm  - 
Barack Obama talks about a basic American Promise - we can't afford to promise things to people in the forms on new entitlements. We can encourage everyone to word hard in a land of freedom in pursuit of the American Dream. Join our Fight at


Sarasota, FL - Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum made the following comments in reaction to President Obama's State of the Union Address.


Rick Santorum said: "Tonight Barack Obama transformed the President's annual State of the Union address into the kick-off of his re-election campaign. From beginning to end, the American people heard more of the same - empty promises and grand platitudes that will do nothing to help the millions of Americans who are unemployed or under employed find a good paying job. 


Rather than call for decisive action in allowing projects like the Keystone Pipeline or reducing the regulatory burden his Administration has imposed, the President declared war on those who are most successful in our society. Barack Obama should realize he's the President of all Americans, but sadly, he has instead chosen to govern and campaign as the Divider-in-Chief.


We need to unite America and create an environment that rewards hard work and success, allowing people the opportunity to rise in society. We need a President who will rebuild the sector that built American economic greatness - manufacturing. My plan is diametrically opposed to that of the President's. Barack Obama speaks of raising taxes and imposing barriers to growth, my plan would eliminate the corporate taxes on manufacturers, eliminate the burdensome regulations of this Administration, and free our market to explore for the energy necessary to grow our economy.


Our Party needs to provide a clear contrast with Barack Obama in the general election.  Our campaign does just that by focusing a positive message of a resurgent American manufacturing sector, an Administration that will believe in American exceptionalism again, and valuing the dignity of each and every human life. America deserves better than what they heard from Barack Obama tonight. "

To learn more about former Senator Rick Santorum, please visit



Gary Johnson 2012


January 24, 2012, New York, NY
--Former New Mexico Governor and current presidential candidate Gary Johnson released the following statement in reaction to the President's State of the Union address: “If the idea tonight was that the President would fulfill his constitutional duty to give us ‘information of the State of the Union’, we should be able to expect some truth. I didn’t hear much truth. Truth is that the real unemployment rate is probably still above 10%. Truth is that after all the hand-wringing and deals of the past couple of years, instead of cutting spending, the President and Congress are going back to the well for another $1.2 Trillion debt limit increase. And the truth is we are seeing nothing from either the President or the Republicans that will really change any of those unacceptable realities. “Only in the twilight zone that is Washington could a President who has bailed out and stimulated our economy to death stand in the Capitol and declare there should be ‘no bailouts, no handouts, and no cop-outs’. Can anyone spell GM or TARP or Solyndra? “The President said we deserve a government that plays by the same rules as millions of hard-working Americans. Perhaps that should begin with the government not borrowing and printing 43 cents of every dollar it spends – something hard-working Americans can’t and don’t do. “Until we see a real plan – not a Washington smoke and mirrors plan – that puts a stop to deficit spending and really puts America back to work, all of this rhetoric is just wasted breath.”


Tea Party Express
Herman Cain Delivers Tea Party Response to SOTU TONIGHT!

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 24, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Tea Party Express, the nation's largest tea party political action committee, is teaming up with Herman Cain who will deliver the Tea Party response to the State of the Union Address tonight. The response is being held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., immediately following the GOP response.

Amy Kremer, Chairman of the Tea Party Express, said, "It is unfortunate that without even hearing the President's State of the Union Address, we already know what to expect: more grand spending plans, a demonization of capitalism and job creators, and why he is not responsible for the lethargic state of our economy.

"In 2010 Americans clearly stated their objection to the out-of-control size, cost, and intrusiveness of the federal government. Unfortunately, instead of taking on the challenge, President Obama has turned every opportunity to address the nation into campaign stump speech.

"Americans are tired of the big talk, empty promises, and blatant arrogance coming out of Washington. That is why Tea Party Express decided to go outside the beltway this year and have Herman Cain deliver the Tea Party response. As someone that has created jobs and thoroughly understands the issues that face our nation, Mr. Cain will provide a candid assessment of the state of our nation, while putting forth the bold solutions Americans demanded overwhelmingly during the Midterm elections.

"We are happy to see that the GOP has picked Tea Party conservative and successful Governor Mitch Daniels to give their response. America is looking for leadership and Gov. Daniels has done a remarkable job providing just that in Indiana," Kremer concluded.

The Tea Party response will be streaming live at and will last approximately 7 minutes.

To schedule an interview with Chairman Amy Kremer or to inquire about the event, contact Shawn Callahan at 916-768-2686.

Contact: Shawn Callahan, 916-768-2686 or

Occupy movement

Members of OWS, Occupy DC & Occupy Portland Respond to SOTU 

"The State of the 99%"

This 2012 “State of the 99%” response to the State of the Union will be delivered by a group of Occupiers assembled outside in a well-lit spot at McPherson Square following the conclusion of the President’s State of the Union address and/or the Tea Party response. The presentation will unfold this way: one participant will begin in the center/front of the group, in the middle of the camera frame, surrounded by the others. That person will deliver the first line of the speech, and will then be echoed by the People’s Mic. That person will then read their second line, and as the People’s Mic echoes the second line, that person will move off to the side and rejoin the group, while another person will step into the center spot to read the next two lines, with each line again echoed by the People’s Mic. This will continue, cycling through the crowd, with each person reading two lines and being echoed by the People’s Mic. 

Mic check! [mic check] Mic check! [mic check] 
Fellow Americans, good evening! [Fellow Americans, good evening!]

We are men and women of the 99 percent
Many of us have spent many months at Occupy Wall Street

and at other Occupations across the country and around the world
We are here tonight to report on the State of the 99 percent in America

Of course most Americans know the state of the 99 percent very well
But sometimes the one percent, on Wall Street and in Washington, need a reminder

Financially, the state of the 99% is not strong
That is an understatement.

Never in our lifetimes have so many hard-working Americans
Faced so many difficulties, so many uncertainties, so many indignities

In Occupy camps around the country
We find Americans from all walks of life

[3 personal story couplets]

Some of us have had it rougher than others
And it turns out living in camps is no picnic either

But we do not give up easily
And we take inspiration from the brave Americans who came before us

From Dr. King, who gave his life fighting for economic justice
From the Suffragettes, who insisted the voice of women be heard

From all of those brave or foolish enough to believe in America's defining idea
the idea of democracy

That we are all created equal
And we all have an equal voice in shaping the laws we all live by

Let’s be honest.

When our courts tell us corporations have more right to speak than we the people do
That’s not democracy.

When pepper spray and midnight raids make a joke of the 1st Amendment right to assemble.
That’s not democracy.

When defrauding clients, blowing up our economy, forging thousands of documents and seizing people’s homes illegally is not a crime
but protesting all that is a crime

That’s not democracy.
Our America is not a democracy, not yet.

We all know why: Wall street owns Washington.
Bribery is legal, and the laws we live by are for sale to the highest bidder

That is why our government serves the very rich and powerful 
at the expense of the rest of us

It protects the bonuses of bankers and Wall Street executives, 
while failing to keep hard-working families in their homes; 

It shields offshore tax havens for the very wealthy, 
while letting our bridges, schools, and infrastructure fall apart; 

There have been dark periods in our nation's history, when corruption became the norm
when grave injustices stood in the way of America living up to its best ideals. 

But time and time again, Americans stepped up to take back their government and correct our course. 
Today Occupy Wall Street and the 99% movement step into this proud American tradition. 

But fear not, one percent!
We are not here just to help the 99% at your expense.

We are here to help you too.
For when you’ve begun to think rigging the game is fair game

When you regard hard-working Americans as undeserving of a middle-class life
and unworthy of the profit their own work creates

When you treat the people who build your buildings and serve your food and raise your children and patrol your streets 
without respect

You have not only lost touch with our humanity
You have lost touch with your own humanity

You need to find it again, for everyone’s sake
Real democracy will do you good

We are the 99%
We are here to create the democracy we have all been promised. 

We are the 99%.
Our finances are weak, but our spirit is strong.

We are the 99%. 
Our spring is coming.


Blair FitzGibbon
Vice President, FITZGIBBON Media, Inc.

Communications Workers of America

CWA Commends President Obama’s State of the Union Remarks On Keeping Good Jobs in the U.S.
and the Harmful Influence of Corporate Money in Politics

Washington, D.C. – In response to President Obama’s State of the Union address, the Communications Workers of America issued the following statement:
The Communications Workers of America commends President Obama for his focus on creating an America that is built to last with an economy that works for everyone, not just a wealthy few.
It’s critical to bring quality jobs back to the U.S. by eliminating tax benefits for companies that send U.S. jobs overseas. CWA strongly supports legislation that would end taxpayer subsidies for corporations that get tax breaks, then move call center jobs offshore, among other measures. Corporations have had too much power in writing legislation that rewards corporate interests and abandons U.S. workers, when it comes to manufacturing and services.  Too many corporations routinely put short-term profits ahead of loyalty to the nation and workers who have made their success possible.
An America built to last cannot be one in which corporate money determines who is elected and what issues are debated.  That’s why CWA supports measures to limit the outsized and harmful influence of corporate money in U.S. elections.
One of CWA’s top priorities for 2012 and beyond is raising awareness of the corrosive influence of money in politics. Recent related activities include mobilizing CWA members on the two year anniversary of the damaging Citizens United Supreme Court ruling that established corporate personhood; backing Governor Andrew Cuomo’s push for voluntary public financing of New York political campaigns, and working alongside local leaders across the country to adopt model city council resolutions that state, in part, that “corporations should not receive the same constitutional rights as natural persons.”
Candice Johnson
CWA Communications Director
Public Campaign

Campaign Finance Watchdog Responds to SOTU:
Important But Small Step
Washington, D.C.—President Obama’s proposal to reduce the influence lobbyists can buy through their ability to raise campaign cash for lawmakers is important, but it does not go far enough toward putting everyday people back in charge of our elections, said campaign finance watchdog Public Campaign in response to the president’s State of the Union speech tonight.
“This is an important but small step toward severing the ties between elected officials and the special interests hoping to influence them through campaign cash,” said Nick Nyhart, president and CEO of Public Campaign. “It is the big money behind the lobbyists that’s the problem. It’s not the hired guns, but those that hire them. You’ve got to go after the boss. We need big solutions.”
“President Obama should be commended for his speech to address the ‘corrosive influence of money in politics,” said Nick Nyhart, president and CEO of Public Campaign, “But he and Congress must also push a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and pass legislation like the Fair Elections Now Act that would emphasize small donors in our political system.”
In his speech tonight, President Obama said,

“I’ve talked tonight about the deficit of trust between Main Street and Wall Street.  But the divide between this city and the rest of the country is at least as bad – and it seems to get worse every year. Some of this has to do with the corrosive influence of money in politics.  So together,let’s take some steps to fix that.  Send me a bill that bans insider trading by Members of Congress, and I will sign it tomorrow.  Let’s limit any elected official from owning stocks in industries they impact.  Let’s make sure people who bundle campaign contributions for Congress can’t lobby Congress, and vice versa – an idea that has bipartisan support, at least outside of Washington.

Under the Fair Elections Now Act, candidates would raise small donations of $100 or less from peopleback home that would be matched on a five-to-one basis. Instead of raising money from Washington lobbyists or Wall Street bankers, candidates could focus on their constituents. They’d be accountable to them—not wealthy special interests.
Several House members and Senators have introduced constitutional amendments to address the Citizens United decision, but Public Campaign has not yet endorsed any one in particular.
The release is available online at
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force responds to President Obama's State of the Union address

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24 — The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force responded to President Obama's State of the Union speech tonight by reiterating its call for federal employment protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and an end to the discriminatory “Defense of Marriage Act.”

Statement by Rea Carey, Executive Director
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

“President Obama spoke pointedly tonight of the need to get our country’s economy moving again, of getting people back to work, and of tackling the huge economic disparity that is hurting and hampering families everywhere. We couldn't agree more and urge his administration and Congress to work together to ensure that everybody — including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people — have an opportunity to offer their unfettered best to America.

“This is a challenge right now, in a nation where the rich are getting richer and everyone else is struggling to tread water. Many families are hurting, and LGBT families are just as vulnerable to economic hardship. The fact is, the state of the union for LGBT people remains largely one of inequality. In many parts of the country, we can still be fired from or denied employment for simply being who we are, and marriage inequality relegates our families to second-class status.

“If the president is truly serious about job creation and boosting America's economic well-being, he must provide leadership to pass federal employment protections for LGBT people and end the costly and unjust federal marriage ban. He must also retain the safety net of services that so many people and families depend upon for their survival.

“Fairness is not a privilege of power and wealth, but a right of humanity. America rises to its best when its people are allowed to rise to theirs. We urge the president to lead the way.”

More from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force:

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is currently calling on the president and Congress to:
  • Sign an executive order that bars federal contractors and subcontractors from discriminating against LGBT applicants and workers.
  • Pass employment protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, particularly in light of the nation's current unemployment crisis.
  • Repeal the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
  • Pass an LGBT-inclusive Violence Against Women Act reauthorization bill.
  • Pass federal anti-bullying legislation such as the Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Non-Discrimination Act.
  • Pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation, including measures like the Uniting American Families Act and the DREAM Act.
  • Pass pay equity legislation such as the Paycheck Fairness Act and pass paid sick-leave legislation that supports working people.
  • Extend federal emergency unemployment insurance benefits without adding any new barriers for unemployed workers.
  • Ensure that LGBT people are included in all federal data collection.
To learn more about the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, visit
and follow us on Twitter: @TheTaskForce.

RATE Coalition

President Obama at State of the Union: “One of Highest Tax Rates in the World”

Washington, D.C. – In tonight’s State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama addressed the issue of corporate tax reform telling the American people, “Companies that choose to stay in America get hit with one of the highest tax rates in the world.  It makes no sense, and everyone knows it.”

The RATE Coalition, whose members and affiliated companies employ roughly 30 million people across all 50 states, applauded the President for his recognition of the need to reform the tax code, making it fairer and simpler and improving the prospects of growth and jobs in the U.S. economy.

“We agree with President Obama – American companies get hit with the highest rates in the world.  The RATE Coalition is pleased to send the President the best idea we have to get the economy moving again  -- reduce the current federal corporate income tax rate down from the counter-productively high rate of 35 percent,” said Elaine Kamarck, RATE Co-Chair and former advisor to President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore.  “The President’s recent Jobs Council report highlighted the fact that ‘a reduction in the rate combined with a broadening of the base could encourage more investment in the United States.’  We are confident that Americans of all political stripes share the President’s goal of renewed prosperity and are hoping for pro-job, pro-growth tax reform in 2012.”

“Tonight, we applaud the President for addressing this issue as a fundamental improvement in our ability to compete economically with other nations,” said James P. Pinkerton, RATE Co-Chair and former White House domestic policy adviser to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.  “The 35 percent rate means that American companies are disproportionately burdened as they seek to compete in the global marketplace.  The President and the Congress should work together to improve American competitiveness through fundamental tax reform for the sake of economic growth and more jobs.”

Reforming the corporate tax code create jobs, decrease economic uncertainty and help America regain the competitive edge:

  • Reducing the corporate tax rate to 25 percent would create an average of 581,000 jobs in the U.S. annually from 2011 to 2020.
  • Reducing the U.S. statutory corporate tax rate to 25 percent (the average OECD rate) could boost GDP by 2.2 percent and increase employment by 2.13 million workers.
  • The U.S. and Japan have the highest corporate tax rates in the OECD. Between 2000 and 2011, the U.S. suffered a net loss of 46 Fortune Global 500 company headquarters. Japan lost a net of 39.
  • The corporate income tax is the most harmful tax for long-term economic growth. A 2010 World Bank study demonstrated that corporate tax rates have a "large and significant adverse" effect on investment.

About RATE Coalition:
About RATE Coalition: RATE is a coalition of 25 companies and organizations advocating for sensible corporate tax reform. Making the tax code fairer and simpler will help spur job growth and stimulate the U.S. economy, and make us more competitive globally. RATE members currently include: AT&T, Altria Client Services Inc., Association of American Railroads, Boeing, Capital One, Cox Enterprises, CVS Caremark, FedEx, Ford, General Dynamics, Home Depot, Intel, Kimberly-Clark, Lockheed Martin, Macy's, National Retail Federation, Nike, Raytheon, Texas Instruments, Time Warner Cable, T-Mobile, UPS, Verizon, Viacom and Walt Disney. RATE members and affiliated companies represent over 30 million employees in all 50 states and support innumerable suppliers and small businesses.  More information about the coalition is available at


No Labels

President Obama Endorses No Labels Proposal on Presidential Nominations

Up-or-Down Vote Within 90 Days on Nominations Will Help Fix Washington

At tonight’s State of the Union address, President Obama endorsed one of No Labels’ 12 proposals in its Make Congress Work! action plan, with his call for the Senate to pass a rule that all judicial and public service nominations receive a simple up-or-down vote within 90 days.

“President Obama’s endorsement of the 90 day up-or-down vote on nominations is a clear validation of No Labels’ agenda,” said No Labels Co-Founder Bill Galston. “Citizens are frustrated with the endless gridlock in Washington and want to see real reform to the way Congress works. No Labels is looking forward to partnering with the President and congressional supporters from both sides of the aisle to break the logjam on Capitol Hill.”

In addition, at tonight’s address, No Labels’ campaign for bipartisan seating led directly to at least 208 members of Congress agreeing to sit together with colleagues from the opposite party.

Click here for a full list of members who agreed to sit with members of the opposite party at tonight’s State of the Union, and click here to read the full 12-point Make Congress Work! action plan.

No Labels is a group of Republicans, Democrats and Independents who want our government to work again. Our dozen proposals to make Congress work mostly don't require new laws or new spending, and don't favor any party or particular cause. These are simple, straightforward proposals to break gridlock, promote constructive discussion and reduce polarization in Congress. They can mostly be adopted all at once when the next Congress convenes in January 2013.

For more information on the Make Congress Work! action plan or to arrange an interview with a No Labels co-founder, please contact Sarah Feldman

at or (202) 588-1990. To learn more about No Labels, please visit


Memo from the Republican National Committee
January 27, 2012


FROM: Sean Spicer, RNC Communications Director  @seanspicer
TO: Interested Parties
RE: Weekend Messaging Memo – A SOTU Repeat
Sitcoms are known for their reruns. State of the Union addresses usually aren’t. But if President Obama’s speech Tuesday night sounded like a repeat, you were right. He’d said much of it before.
Within minutes of the president’s conclusion, the RNC released a video, “Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record,” pairing excerpts of Tuesday’s speech with similar or identical excerpts from the 2011 and 2010 State of the Union speeches. Within two days, the video had over 600,000 YouTube views. If you haven’t watched it, you need to.
It struck a chord, proving yet again what we’ve long been saying: Attacking Obama with his own words resonates remarkably well. Our ad, crisp and straightforward, was played and replayed on cable news, on conservative radio, and, of course, across the Internet.  Bill O’Reilly called it “a brutal ad.” Rush Limbaugh declared it a “great video.”
And it was simply Obama’s words.
The president’s greatest liability in this election year is the heap of promises, now broken, that he made in years past. With broken promises on every issue from the economy to energy, healthcare to housing, the deficit, the debt, and White House ethics, the president’s new promises are not believable. He has zero credibility.
As Chairman Priebus wrote in POLITICO on Tuesday, “Americans demand a president who can come to Congress with a plan and purpose. Obama arrives with a speech and a slogan.” The country is hungering for true leadership on jobs and the economy, and the president offers only more words—and recycled old words at that.
Slogans are not solutions. The president has offered plenty of the former—We Can’t Wait, Winning the Future, An America Built to Last, Better Together, Hope and Change, Yes We Can—but none of the latter. He has no workable solutions for the debt, the deficit, or job creation.
In fact, the policies Obama has pursued have done more to exacerbate our problems than fix them. Blocking the Keystone pipeline is the latest example. He killed thousands of jobs and a reliable, affordable energy source. Obama says he cares about jobs and energy security, but the rhetoric doesn’t match reality.
Finally, the State of the Union was also notable for what the president did not say. He only barely mentioned Obamacare, his signature legislative achievement. He’s conceded the fact that its failure has made it unpopular and politically toxic. He also dodged discussing the debt he’s created; only 2.8 percent of the speech addressed the issue.
Then there’s jobs. As a Columbus Dispatch editorial noted Thursday, “The big fact missing in President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech on Tuesday was this one: 13 million Americans remain unemployed. About 10 million remain underemployed.” In 2012, the state of our union is defined by our persistent unemployment problem and the millions of families suffering as a result. A president afraid to acknowledge that reality is a president unwilling to address the problem head on.
Holding Obama accountable to his own record is the key to defeating him in 2012. Using his words against him is the most effective line of attack for the GOP, and it leaves Democrats defenseless. They can’t argue with the president’s own words.
As the president crisscrossed the country this week on a three-day, five-state campaign tour, the RNC bracketed him with this message at each stop—Iowa, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and Michigan. Wherever he goes, from now until Election Day, voters will hear that message. We will hold him accountable for his record, using his own words.
The State of the Union, like the Obama presidency, was a thorough disappointment, lacking in fresh ideas and full of stale rhetoric. But you don’t have to take the GOP’s word for it. Just listen to Obama’s.