Independent Activity

Americans for Rick Perry

Americans for Rick Perry is a 527 organization based in California and Texas.Their mission it to work on the ground in key battle ground states to encourage Governor Perry of Texas to announce his intent to run for the GOP nomination for President of the United States of America and to challenge President Obama in the 2012 election.

Under Governor Perry's leadership, Texas has created more jobs than any other state combined in the last 10 years. Low unemployment, reformed tax and tort law, and a business friendly attitude has let Texas succeed when the rest of our economy has failed.

We encourage all visitors to get involved in the 2012 election cycle. Support a better choice for GOP nominees than the current possible candidates. With your help, we will work to give those who believe that there are better options.

Remember, Obama wasn't the only person to inherit an economy after George Bush. Encourage Gov. Perry to run for President of the United States.

National Campaign Director  Bob Schuman of La Jolla, Calif.
President of The Schuman Group, a political consulting and public relations firm based in San Diego.  Started consulting in 1986.  twitter

see: organization page

Ed. Notes

>A very professional looking site.  Most recent blog posting, June 25, is "Americans for Rick Perry coming to Iowa."

>First Facebook posting June 3, 2011.