Independent Activity

Mitt Romney Central

"Promoting Mitt Romney for President in 2012"

Nate Gunderson of Utah is the most active figure in this site.  (Others include BOSMAN, Dave P., Jared A., Jayde Wyatt, Luke Gunderson, Ross Abraham (Rebel Ross) and VoxPatriota).  From Sept. 2009.

Sept. 9, 2009 posting...

WELCOME TO MITT ROMNEY CENTRAL! This new website is, and will continue to be, a coordinated grassroots effort to promote Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012. We also intend to use it as a vehicle to promote other conservative candidates and agendas, and to combat liberalism wherever it appears in our government. It is the principles that matter more than the man. Fortunately, it is Mitt Romney who has what we want and need in terms of principles. Not to mention the experience and qualifications that he would bring with him into office.

Ed. Notes

>This is one of the best of the independent sites in terms of organization, content and design.  There are seven main areas in the menu bar across the top: About Mitt, On the Issues, Speeches, Op-eds, Community, Resources, and About MRC.  Nate Gunderson started work in Sept. 2009 and since then there has been an average of more than one post per day.  The site stands out not just for the number of postings, but Nate and other members of the MRC team frequently add thoughtful comments and observations as well as related photos and graphics to the postings.

To cite one example of the site's creativity, in March 2011, MRC ran "Veep Madness!," a vice presidential preference tournament playing off the NCAA basketball tournament.  The March 17 posting had 32 vice presidential prospects organized into four divisions.  (Nathan wrote, "If you don’t like my seeding assignments… well… it was all pretty much arbitrary anyways.").  On March 20 he posted results of the first round; by March 26 it was down to the Elite Eight (Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Condi Rice, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Adam West, Jim DeMint, and Tim Pawlenty); the final was Marco Rubio vs. Chris Christie.  As another example, on April 12, the morning after Romney announced, MRC launched a "Show Mitt the Money!!" pledge drive.

>Nate Gunderson blurb:

I became a Mitt Romney fan in June 2006. When I was considering who the GOP nominee might be I decided to check into Romney because I wasn’t too excited about the only other two options at the time which were McCain and Giuliani. As a social conservative the prospect of a President Giuliani didn’t thrill me, and I still had some residual dislike of McCain and his demeanor leftover from the 2000 campaign. I knew very little about Romney except that he ran the Utah Olympics (I knew nothing of the scandals before he came), and that he went on from there to become Governor of Massachusetts.

When I started looking into Romney I ran into the ComMITTed to Romney blog, which was then know as Elect Romney in 2008. It was founded by Ann Marie Curling and it was unique as it was the ONLY pro-Romney blog at the time, but at that time I didn’t even know what a blog was. Now there are too many pro-Romney blogs to count. I instantly became a regular reader out of curiosity. After about three weeks of reading everything I could about Romney and studying his resume, I became quite convinced that he was the most qualified person to lead this country. I felt so strongly about this that for the first time in my life I became “politically active”.

Subsequently, Ann Marie invited me to be a writer for ComMITTed to Romney and I was thrilled and very grateful. From there I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Boston for fundraising, and Iowa to campaign for the caucuses. My wife, my brothers (and my sister too), and even neighbors have all been a great help in trying to spread the word about Romney. I’ve come to enjoy politics, and have learned much along the way.

I feel that Romney is singularly qualified to be President of this Great Nation. He has the know-how, ambition, and perseverance to steer the country back onto a course of fiscal sanity, minimizing the size and scope of the federal government, and taking the proper steps necessary to protect and defend this land that we so dearly love.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy our site. I also hope that it will have the most important effect on you that a blogger can hope for: spur you to activism.

>(as of March 28, 2011)  23,372 people like the MRC Facebook page.  The Twitter page shows 4,367 following, 4,830 followers and a total of 2,779 Tweets.

>Several members of Team MRC attended CPAC 2011 in Washington, DC. 

>Mitt Romney Central (MRC) inherited the content of, the 2008 cycle site run by Justin Hart and Jason Bonham; as a result postings go back to January 2007.  The number of postings tailed off markedly in the first part of 2009, to a low of just 2 in August 2009; Gunderson started in Sept. 2009. 

The first posting is by Justin Hart on Jan. 3, 2007:

What a day to launch a website!

Why you ask? Because today, Mitt Romney, governor of Massachusetts, has filed paperwork for his exploratory presidential committee.

What does this have to do you with us you ask? Nothing, except for this fact:

We plan to do everything in our power to see that Mitt Romney does indeed become the next President of the United States.

Who are we you ask? (My, you do ask a lot of questions…) We are a group of ragtag bloggers supporting Mitt’s bid for the Republican nomination and for the Presidency itself.

Isn’t the election a ways off you ask? Yes, but you wouldn’t know if by the press accounts on Romney. Take a look at our live news feeds. You would think Romney was the President by the amount of news he prompts. Whether it’s a strange objection with his faith, hisstance against Gay marriage, or his impressive records as governor, Romney seems to invoke a lot of press – and the election is still two years away!

Take a look at our feeds page for the latest blog and news items on Mitt!

So, in short, we are launching today because of the incredible interest in Mitt Romney’s potential candidacy.

So what can I do here? We’ll be releasing new features as we go but for now you can sign up to receive a daily summary of our alerts, put us on your RSS reader, put our “patch” on your website, visit our sister sites MittSpaces and MittBase where you can see a comprehensive Mitt Wiki and upload photos and videos.

We’ll have many more features that the campaign moves on. For now, we throw our hat in the ring to support Mitt Romney for President!

>Postings by month through March 2011:




