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Democratic National Committee

"Únete por Más Trabajos" +
:30 ad to run Las Vegas, NV, Denver, CO and Tampa and Miami, FL announced Sept. 19, 2011, also on radio

[Music] Male Announcer: En esta gran nación tenemos gente lista para trabajar… y un Presidente listo para luchar…

Obama tiene un nuevo plan de empleos que:

Crea miles de trabajos en construcción reparando carreteras y puentes.

Recorta impuestos a negocios pequeños — por cada trabajo que crean.

Y da créditos a compañías que emplean a veteranos que han cumplido su servicio.

Pero ante los Republicanos, el Presidente no puede solo.

Lee el plan.

Únete por más trabajos.

El Comité Nacional Demócrata es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio.

In this great nation we have people ready to work and a President ready to fight.

Obama has a new plan that:

Creates thousands of jobs fixing roads and bridges.

Cuts taxes for small businesses — for each job they create.

And gives credits to businesses that employ veterans that have finished their service.

But in the face of Republicans, the President can’t do it alone.

Read the plan.

Stand together for more jobs.

The Democratic National Committee is responsible for the contents of this ad.

Notes: See also radio version.  With the release of the ads, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement:

“President Obama has been focused from day one on strengthening economic security for working and middle class families. Last week he delivered the American Jobs Act to Congress which would boost the construction industry, a sector that employs 2.77 million Hispanics, by investing in construction and infrastructure projects; cut taxes for an estimated 250,000 Hispanic-owned small businesses, and provide Hispanic veterans with greater employment opportunities by incentivizing businesses who hire them. 

“The Republican Party is offering no new solutions for Hispanics- they simply want to double down on the failed policies that brought our economy to the brink of a depression and hurt millions of American families, including far too many Latinos. “