Herman Cain Addresses (and Sings at) the National Press Club  ...3 of 4 >
Oct. 31, 2011--After his morning appearance at the AEI, Herman Cain spoke at the National Press Club luncheon.  Accusations of sexual harrassment reported by Politico  contributed to intense interest in the speech; indeed TV and video cameras extended along the back wall of the room from one end to the other. 

Cain alluded to the charges near the beginning of his speech, "[F]or a couple of weeks now, I've gotten used to what it feels like to be near the top," he said.  "And as a result of today's big news story I really know what it like to be number one." 

Cain then launched in to a fairly standard stump speech on "renewing America," speaking for a bit less than twenty minutes.   "Politicians are interested in proposing things that they believe can pass; businessmen propose things that fix the problem.  And that's what I do; that's what I have done for over 40 years," he stated.  Cain described his views on national security as "an extension of the Reagan philosophy," calling for "peace through strength and clarity."  He expounded on his 9-9-9 plan, observing that, "When you have an economy on life support, you can't tinker around the edges."  The 9-9-9 plan, Cain said, "is a bold solution to grow this economy."  (At one point Cain addressed how he arrived at 9-9-9.  Cain said that 8-8-8 would not provide enough revenue and 10-10-10 would provide too much revenue.  "If 10-percent is good enough for God, 9-percent ought to be good enough for the federal government," he said).

When Cain finished his remarks, National Press Club president Mark Hamrick cut to the chase, asking him about the accusations of sexual harassment.  "I would be delighted to clear the air," Cain replied.  "Number one, in all of my over 40 years of business experience running businesses and corporations I have never sexually harrassed anyone," Cain declared.  "We're not going to chase anonymous sources when there's no basis for the accusation," Cain said.  "I have never sexually harrassed anyone, and those accusations are totally false," Cain stated.  Cain then fielded questions on the issues of the day, ranging from his position on abortion to the housing crisis.
After presenting Cain with the coveted National Press Club mug, Hamrick asked Cain if he would be willing to sing.  Cain responded:

"It is demanding enough to speak a dozen times a day, let alone to then also have to sing.  However, I will take advantage of this opportunity.  But if I come to your event, don't ask; don't expect it.  And here's why.  My faith is a big part of who Herman Cain is.  It is a big part of how I made this decision.  It is a big part of this journey that we're on, and this is a journey, not just my campaign, but this nation.  And so since it's an opportunity for me to share a little bit of my faith, I will."   

Amazing Grace will always be my song of praise. 
For it was Grace that brought me liberty. 
I'll never know why Jesus came to love me so. 
He looked beyond all my faults and saw my needs.