Independent Activity

"A man, a movement, a community of citizens seeking to draft Robert Gates to run for president and revive the core values of service, integrity, statesmanship, pragmatism, and diplomacy in American politics."

by Charles Glover and John R. Huffman.

site live on Dec. 14, 2010.

Mission (from Facebook page) is a movement to ensure that the core values of service, integrity, statesmanship, pragmatism, and diplomacy are leading our nation in 2012 and beyond.

Secretary Robert Gates has demonstrated these values during his decorated history of public service. From military officer, to Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to currently leading our nation’s armed forces in this difficult time of war. Gates has always answered the call of duty to serve his country, rising above partisanship and politics - and now his country must call on him again.

Now more than ever, America needs people like Robert Gates and the values he represents.

Robert Gates is not a politician. He has neither the ego nor the hubris to run for president, and the only call he will answer is yours. Join the movement and Draft Gates to run for President of the United States in 2012.

Ed. Notes

>This site attracted scant attention until several media outlets wrote about it at the beginning of February 2011.  On Feb. 1, The Hill noticed the Draft Gates Twitter account.  On Feb. 2 CNN weighed in with "Pentagon responds to 'Draft Gates' for President efforts" in which they obtained a statement from Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell.  Morrell said "Secretary Gates is both amused and flattered by the website, but he will retire from government for good later this year...  He has never run for any political office and has no intention of ever doing so. He looks forward to following the 2012 presidential campaign from his home in the Pacific northwest."  Also on Feb. 2  Elisabeth Bumiller had an excellent article in the New York Times (The Caucus) on the founders of the site and their Texas A&M link to Gates ("Gates for President?  Not if He Can Help It.")

>John  R. Huffman (A&M, 2005) is an associate at Greenberg Traurig in Dallas.  Charles Glover (A&M, 2006) is exec. dir. of Teach for America in Dallas.

>Very professional design.  Across the top are five links ("About Gates: Why He's Right for the Job"; "Core Values: What He Stands For"; "The Movement: Beyond Gates"; "Show It: Merchandise"; and "Draft Gates Now"). 

>(March 14, 2011) No activity for the past month.  Facebook page 133 people like this, most recent posting Feb. 14.  Twitter account shows 65 following, 16 followers, a total of 10 tweets, the most recent of which was Feb. 14.