Independent Activity


Join the grassroots movement to Draft Jim DeMint for President!

Sen. Jim DeMint has been one of the Senate's leading opponents of wasteful government spending. The National Taxpayers Union named Sen. DeMint the "Taxpayer's Best Friend," giving him the highest pro-taxpayer rating of any U. S. Senator on issues affecting "tax, spending, regulation, trade, and debt burdens."

This is an authentic grassroots movement and is not affiliated with or authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

National Director  Angela Toft

This is the successor to Draft Jim DeMint.  First posting: Feb. 6, 2011.

Ed. Notes

>In response to an e-mail, Angela Toft offered the following observations (3/14):

An informal movement to draft Jim DeMint began in July of last year.  It brought together a group of like-minded conservatives.  As nationwide support for the effort to draft Jim DeMint grew, the movement evolved into Conservatives4DeMint which was launched in January 2011.

Polls are extremely popular on our website.  People want to voice their opinions - and it's important that we help to make their voices heard.  Supporters also want to know how they can get involved.  These are the most popular aspects of our website.

I have been a Grassroots Organizer and Coalition Builder since 1980, when I worked as a local Youth Chairman for Ronald Reagan's Presidential campaign.  I have worked professionally on a number of U.S. Senate and Congressional races since that time.  I have been fortunate to host events with many national leaders including President Reagan, Lt. Col. Oliver North, Sen. Bob Dole,  William Bennett, and many others.

Sen. DeMint's leadership is reminiscent of President Reagan's - and he inspires the same type of hope for our country.

>The site has an impressive list of state coordinators (35 plus an international rep. in Israel).  IA coordinator is Susan Frazer; NH coordinator is Kevin McHugh.

Kevin McHugh runs that NH Republican Volunteer Coalition and in a email (3/13) said he has "been doing what I can to helpf spread the word and mobilize support for DeMint."

Susan Frazer provided some observations (3/16):

I became involved with Draft Jim De Mint,  NOW called


when I signed an on line petition last November.

Senator De Mint has repeatedly stated that he is not interested in running for President in 2012.  With the Iowa Caucus' first in the nation status, I felt a draft De Mint effort would send a strong message that we want and expect a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE to come out of the Iowa Caucus.  I am an active Republican and also Tea Party participant.

In the 1995-96 cycle I was the Scott County Chairman for Senator Phil Gramm and in 1999-2000 for Steve Forbes.

From 2001-2007  I served three 2 year terms as the Chairman of the Scott County Republicans.

Draft Jim De Mint has been mainly a Facebook project, although I have told many of my activist friends about the effort.  At the end of March I will be attending Con. King's Conservative Principles PAC seminar in Des Moines.  This will be my first opportunity to see Sen. De Mint in person.

>Angela Toft's day job is realtor in Southern California.  She is a University of Southern California alumna.

>This is a WordPress blog built using the theme Twenty Ten.

>When viewed March 26, 2011, the Facebook page had 1,353 members.