Independent Activity

Draft Jim DeMint

"now is the time to plan for tomorrow. Jim is going to need a dedicated group of volunteers who are ready to go day one. Through this site (and our Twitter and Facebook pages) we hope to create a network of dedicated volunteers excited and ready to elect Jim DeMint for President. Through our effort we can show Jim the volume of commitment Americans across the nation have for his candidacy, which should persuade him to run."  -July 25, 2010 posting "Call to Action"

By Seth Duncan of Columbia, SC.  Launched July 24, 2010.

Ed. Notes

>This is a WordPress blog built using the theme Enterprise by StudioPress.  It is not too flashy, but was fairly consistently updated from its launch in July through February 2011 when efforts focused on Conservatives4Demint.

>One goal was to have coordinators in all 50 states by the end of 2010:

"a coordinator does three things: 1) lists their contact info on this site to allow others to contact them regarding Draft Jim DeMint activities; 2) post info on Jim DeMint on Republican, conservative and Tea Party websites in your state, region or national (think facebook, redstate, etc.); and 3) sign-up for updates at and here at"

>First posting:

In 2012, Republicans will head to the polls to select its nominee for President. Having looked at the plethora of choices I believe the only proven conservative who can (and will) defeat Barack Obama is Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina.

This site has been created as a rallying point for conservatives who believe Sen. DeMint should run in 2012. My goal is to create a community of activists, supporters and enthusiesits who want to actively support and promote  Jim DeMint for President.

I ask that you please check back regularly, signup for our email blast, and join our other social networking sites (Twitter and Facebook). Together we will make a difference.

>Dec. 31, 2010 posting:

We have come a long way these last few months. With your support and action, we have coordinators in 30 states and countless regions, counties and cities. You all have done a remarkable job spreading our message and driving support to this site and our other pages.

As dawn breaks on a new year, we face a new challenge – convincing Sen. Jim DeMint to run in 2012. We have been working tirelessly these last 6 months to build a grassroots organization, now it’s time to mobilize. Below is the Senator’s email address. We are asking all Draft Jim DeMint supporters to email the Senator and ask him to run in 2012. With your help and voice we can convince him to answer America’s call. We need him in 2012 to take back our country.

>Most recent posting Feb. 25, 2011 "...would NJ Gov. Christie make a good VP?"

>"Awesome DeMint Gear" linked to a Zazzle store which offers everything from stickers to a pet tee shirt.

>Facebook page 132 people like this.

>Tweets: 235 following, 111 followers... 62 Tweets (first at 10:59 on July 23 "We're up!"; most recent on Dec. 2 retweeting a DeMint tweet on the START Treaty).