Independent Activity

Team Gingrich

Discussion and news about a possible 2012 Presidential campaign

By Josh Gosser.  First posting February 19, 2010.

I have started this blog to promote Newt Gingrich. My hope is that he runs for President in 2012, and that this blog can help get out the word, but if he does not, being able to promote his policies and strategies is enough for me.

Most of the updates will be focused on news and commentary from and about the former Speaker as well as opinion pieces from me.

Thanks for reading.

Ed. Notes

Bio: 23-year-old in Kansas. Conservative. Boston Celtics fan. Blogger.

>Gosser made 65 posts from launch on Feb. 19, 2010 through the end of 2010.  As of March 26, 2011 Gosser has made 77 posts in 2011, the most recent today "Politico on how a Gingrich campaign would look."

>In an email (3/26) Gosser stated, "I have wanted him to run since August of 2006, when I read Winning the Future."  He wrote, "I have not worked for or met him, but I did host an American Solutions workshop where I live (Topeka) in 2007."  He has also volunteered for Jim Ryun, Pat Roberts, and Sam Brownback.  Gosser also noted, "The post that has received the most hits was something I wrote about Newt's views on the flat tax and Fair Tax proposals."

>A Facebook group created by Christopher Malagisi launched on Sept. 1, 2010.  (First posting: "Please click the "Like" button if you believe Newt Gingrich should run for the President of the United States!")  As of March 26, 2011 the page has 567 likes.  Gosser stated (3/26 email), "I cross-post most things to the Facebook group, a majority of the blog's hits come from Facebook."

>Gosser started Tweeting on Feb. 19, 2011.  As of March 26, 2011 Twitter shows 736 following, 171 followers, and a total of 66 Tweets.