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Oct. 8, 2011--More scenes from day two.
Inspiration to start the day.
Bill Bennett spoke out against bigotry on the left and on the right.  On the left, Bennett said, there is "bigotry against people who publicly love their God."  Bennett said, "To the left public expressions of one's faith are so mindless and so bereft of sophistication; public expressions of patriotism are down market and low-grade in their view.  Well, love your God, love your country; pay them no heed.  Love your country and your God proudly and publicly..." 

"Do not do what the left does regularly, and we do here I'm sorry to say, only, occasionally.  But it happens and it happened here yesterday.  I'm thinking of the words of Mr. Jeffress, Pastor Jeffress.  Do not give voice to bigotry.  Do not give voice to bigotry..."

'...I would say to Pastor Jeffress, you stepped on and obscured the words of Perry and  Santorum and Cain and Bachmann and everyone else who has spoken here.  You did Rick Perry no good, sir, in what you had to say."
Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for government and public policy at the American Family Association, spoke on "the ideal profile for the next president of the United States."

"I believe our next president needs to fit the profile of the Founding Fathers, sharing their values and their political convictions.  Now this means a number of things.  First, it means that the next president of the United States needs to be a man, I'm speaking generically here, needs to be a man of "sincere authentic genuine Christian faith.  There were 55 framers of the Constitution.  We know as a matter of historical record that 52 of them took a solemn oath before Almighty God, an oath of affirmation in a historic, conservative orthodox statement of Christian faith.  It is no exaggeration to say that Christian statesmen created the United States of America.  Now 81 percent of the American people believe that we are on the wrong track; the other 19 are either lying or not paying attention.  But we are on the wrong track because we have rejected and abandoned the moral and political foundation that was laid for us by the Founding Fathers.  I submit to you if Christian statesmen created the United States of America, Christian statesman can reclaim the United States of America." 

"Second, we need a president who flatly, unambiguously rejects the morally and scientifically bankrupt theory of evolution.  Why?  Why?  Because the founders believed in a Creator with a capital "c."  They founded this nation on a profoundly religious concept that there is a Creator and that Creator is the source of every one of our unalienable rights.  Now no matter what you think of the mythical separation of church and state it is not possible for there ever in the United States of America to be a separation between God and government, because God is the source of every single right which government has a sacred duty to protect.  Now I submit to you that not a single one of our unalienable rights will be safe in the hands of a president who believes that we evolved from slime and we are the descendents of apes and baboons." >
Glenn Beck said he is looking beyond the election campaign.

"I intend in the next year, while everybody is busy on politics to give America that opportunity to be good and in turn be great again.  I will not take a position of leadership.  I will take a position of serving others..."

"Speaking fewer words and finding those people of greater action, and action not just for the next election, not action that will change the political landscape for the next election, but change men's hearts and therefore change the political landscape for generations to come." >